Homeless in Arizona

Ronald Reagan not the conservative many believe him to be


create a url for ernie if i dont have ont A lot of the alleged Libertarians from the worship Ernie Hancock cult seem to love Ronald Reagan. Even before I was a Libertarian I hated Ronald Reagan. This letter to the editor gives some good reason for that hate. http://eastvalleytribune.com/opinion/letters_to_the_editor/article_4b55783e-dad0-11e2-9ee7-0019bb2963f4.html Letter: Ronald Reagan not the conservative many believe him to be Posted: Saturday, June 22, 2013 2:19 pm Letter to the Editor I’d imagine the following information will go in one ear and out the other of Mr. Steve Ball, Leon Cisneros and virtually every other Republican who reads it! Sadly, this is typical behavior for most regressives, whose politics have moved so far to the right of mainstream thinking they seem to be destined to remain permanently out of touch with the majority of Americans. One big problem is their inability to face facts, preferring to believe hype and bravado to facts and truth! Let’s take Ronald Reagan, whom conservatives have idolized since he was first elected in 1980. The real truth is miles away from the fantasy these conservatives want to believe. 1st: Reagan voted for FDR four times and was a huge fan, but of course this was while he was an average citizen starting out and not a rich movie star, when his politics shifted to asset preservation! 2nd: Reagan raised taxes, both as governor and 11 times as president, including the largest tax increase in California history and the largest payroll tax increase in American history. 3rd: Reagan grew the size of government. He added 200,000 federal employees and the federal budget increased 25 percent during his eight years. 4th: Reagan gave amnesty to 3 million immigrants. 5th: Reagan ran up more deficit spending than all other prior presidents combined! Reagan TRIPLED the national debt. And lastly, Reagan negotiated with terrorists and sold arms to Iran in violation of an embargo, then let his subordinates go to jail for him. Embarrassing! Some kind of American hero, right? Rod Livdahl Mesa

Homeless in Arizona

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